Showing 169–180 of 250 results

R 1100,00 Excl. VAT

Achieve the highest state of cognitive functioning. Help stroke victims recover brain function. Aid neural regeneration in the case of Alzheimer’s

R 1175,00 Excl. VAT

Achieve the highest state of cognitive functioning. Help stroke victims recover brain function. Aid neural regeneration in the case of Alzheimer’s

R 350,00 Excl. VAT

Wound healing. Skin repair. Tissue regeneration. Wrinkle removal

R 450,00 Excl. VAT

Anti depressant. Stroke Recovery.TREK-1 inhibitor. Assists with mood, memory and learning. Aids muscle function

R 600,00 Excl. VAT

Promotes muscle repair. Speeds up bone repair. Stimulates muscle growth. Prevents heart disease. Protects against stroke. Promotes cognitive health

R 1050,00 Excl. VAT

HIV Inhibitor. Strong antiviral. Anti-Inflammatory action. Treating neuro-aids and neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's Disease

R 900,00 Excl. VAT

Anti-aging effect on brain and cardiovascular system. Assists bone calcification. Sleep regulation. Learning and memory formation. Aid Alzheimer’s disease / Parkinson’s disease. Potential therapeutic agent to treat depression. Reduces fatigue

R 550,00 Excl. VAT

Induces Tumor Cell Necrosis

Legal Steroids


R 1200,00 Excl. VAT


R 650,00 Excl. VAT

Natural aphrodisiac. Help with decreased sexual arousal. Assists little to no sensation during intercourse. Aids inability to orgasm. Helps with emotional issues related to sex

R 1665,00 Excl. VAT

Appetite suppression. Intestinal dehydration. Potently reduces food intake when administered systemically or reached the brain.

R 1800,00 Excl. VAT

Enhanced speed, performance, stamina and endurance. Rapid buildup of muscular tissues. Enhanced sleep quality. Lowering of bad cholesterol (LDL). Significant improvements in nitrogen balance. Reversal of diet-induced nitrogen wasting. Treats catabolic conditions. Increases Basil metabolic rate. Shed fat while maintaining muscle.